Thursday, June 17, 2010


A few months ago, Emily brought home a little plant in a foam cup that she had planted at school.  For 6 years one of these has come home in the spring time with one of the children.  No big deal, I know the gig.  It gets watered for a little while, then life or work or something gets in the way and a few weeks later I find a little brown pile of leaves and I chuck the plant.  Game on.  I put the little plant in the window and watered it from time to time whenever I was in the kitchen.  About a month ago Alex mentioned that the plant was too big for the cup so I put it in a larger container.  In the back of my mind I thought to myself that this plant had lasted much longer than the others had.  I guess it was pretty sturdy little plant to withstand us. I didn't think much more about it until this morning. 

I still didn't really think much about it until we were talking about how big this plant was and Emily said,
"Mom, you are home to take care of it." 
I was stunned.  I almost missed it.  What an amazing lesson my kids taught me about nourishment and care.  I struggle with a lot of the aspects of being a mom.  Some days are just plain hit and miss, but this flower represents so much more than an annoying little school project.  I look at it as a gentle reminder from God that every day is a chance to get better at it and to learn.

I dedicate this post to my little sunflowers.  I am here, I love you, and I will take care of you.

Love, Mom:)

1 comment:

  1. Inspiring. Thank you for the post. I think we can all use that encouragement! Give all your little sunflowers a hug from aunt laura:)
