Thursday, August 5, 2010

HOBBIT CHIC's back to school time again and time to go shopping.  In preparation for this I got out all my ads together to stratigery..ize and come up with a good plan.  As I looked through each paper I came this conclusion.  It's apparently only back to school FOR HOOKERS!!!  What is with the clothes?  I don't know what goes on in other schools, but my kids wouldn't be able to wear half of this crap to school even if I let them.  Since when did a visible bra strap become couture?  I suppose I am a little bitter because I spent the morning looking at the models who's thighs are the same size as their ankles, but it is just not fair.  And while we are on the subject, what is the deal with "women's" clothes?  Just because you are not a junior does not mean you are 5 ft tall and round with a passion for floral prints.  It does not mean that you have lost your waist as well as your desire to look attractive.  In my opinion once you turn 40 there are 2 things you should cover,  your upper arms and your fanny.  The clothes in this group of ads manage to miss on both counts.  They have very short sleeves and are cut an inch below the waist.  I know this is meant to minimize the mid section. News flash: IT DOESN'T WORK!  Is the recession so bad that we can't add just a little more fabric to the length?  Here is an idea, why don't you take the yard of extra material from the mid section of the shirt and add it to the sleeves?! Or are we meant to pay for our snacking sins by having to wear the fashion equivalent of the scarlet letter?  Is it so much to ask to find something that is not from the Linda Ronstadt collection?  I think not.  I would go on but I just came across a section of something called "skinny jeans"  Go get me the big knife!

1 comment:

  1. I totally get what your saying!! I was looking for a dress this week and my choices were hoochy hoochy or something Chris Farley would wear as the lunch lady. And then when i finally found something I wouldn't be totally embarrassed to wear the price tag knocked me out for a few hours!! I've decided to turn in my "woman card" and say boldly "I HATE SHOPPING!!!!"
